Coding Segment Trees with Optimal Memory

2023 September 1


For background about what a segment tree is, I recommend the CP algorithms article.

The standard implementation of a segment tree uses an array \(t\) of size \(4 \cdot n\). This blog discusses 3 different ways how to index the nodes in a segment tree to achieve (optimal) \(2 \cdot n-1\) memory.

why is \(2 \cdot n-1\) optimal?
  • A segment tree has \(n\) leaf nodes; 1 for each of the \(n\) elements in the array
  • A segment tree is a full binary tree; each internal node has exactly 2 children. Thus there are \(n-1\) internal nodes.
  • leaf versus internal

Let's look at the "standard" implementation:


const int MAXN = 500'000;
int n;
long long t[4*MAXN];

void build(int a[], int tl=0, int tr=n, int v=1) {
	if (tr - tl == 1) {
		t[v] = a[tl];
	} else {
		int tm = (tl+tr)/2;
		build(a, tl, tm, 2*v);
		build(a, tm, tr, 2*v+1);
		t[v] = t[2*v] + t[2*v+1];

long long query(int l, int r, int tl=0, int tr=n, int v=1) {
	if (r <= tl || tr <= l) return 0LL;
	if (l <= tl && tr <= r) return t[v];
	int tm = (tl+tr)/2;
	return query(l, r, tl, tm, 2*v)
		 + query(l, r, tm, tr, 2*v+1);

void update(int pos, int val, int tl=0, int tr=n, int v=1) {
	if (tr - tl == 1) {
		t[v] += val;
	} else {
		int tm = (tl+tr)/2;
		if (pos < tm)
			update(pos, val, tl, tm, 2*v);
			update(pos, val, tm, tr, 2*v+1);
		t[v] = t[2*v] + t[2*v+1];


Our approach to optimize the memory will be to take some traversial of the tree, and index the nodes \(0,1,...,2 \cdot n-2\) in order of this traversial. Now there many ways to traverse a binary tree:

But pre order and post order are symmetrical, so I'll only focus on pre order.

Pre Order

First, the source for the idea for this approach. Now, an example of indexing the pre-order of a full binary tree \(0,1,2,...\)

bst pre order

First for segment trees, a node with range \([tl, tr)\) has subtree size = \[2*(tr-tl)-1\]

how to derive this
  1. range \([tl, tr)\) contains \(tr-tl\) leaf nodes representing \(a[tl], a[tl+1], ..., a[tr-1]\)
  2. In a full binary tree, any subtree with \(k\) leaves will have \(k-1\) internal nodes


So we can code segment trees with \(2*n-1\) memory like:


const int MAXN = 500'000;
int n;
long long t[2*MAXN-1];

void build(int a[], int tl=0, int tr=n, int v=0) {
	if (tr - tl == 1) {
		t[v] = a[tl];
	} else {
		int tm = (tl+tr)/2;
		build(a, tl, tm, v+1);
		build(a, tm, tr, v+2*(tm-tl));
		t[v] = t[v+1] + t[v+2*(tm-tl)];

long long query(int l, int r, int tl=0, int tr=n, int v=0) {
	if (r <= tl || tr <= l) return 0LL;
	if (l <= tl && tr <= r) return t[v];
	int tm = (tl+tr)/2;
	return query(l, r, tl, tm, v+1)
		 + query(l, r, tm, tr, v+2*(tm-tl));

void update(int pos, int val, int tl=0, int tr=n, int v=0) {
	if (tr - tl == 1) {
		t[v] += val;
	} else {
		int tm = (tl+tr)/2;
		if (pos < tm)
			update(pos, val, tl, tm, v+1);
			update(pos, val, tm, tr, v+2*(tm-tl));
		t[v] = t[v+1] + t[v+2*(tm-tl)];

Level Order

Let's take inspiration from the "standard" max-heap implementation:

bst level order

Let's try to make this indexing layout work for segment trees. Usually for segtrees, each node \(v\) has midpoint \(tm=\lfloor\frac{tl+tr}{2}\rfloor\).

Do you see the problem with this midpoint?

A complete binary tree's left subtree could be much larger that the right; (and for segment trees, the subtree size is proportional to the node's segment length) so the midpoint isn't always exactly in the middle.

Let's split it into 2 cases:

complete BST case 1 complete BST case 2


Let's revisit the cases in more detail.

complete BST case 1

Here, the left child's subtree is clearly bigger than the right child's subtree, so \[\lceil\frac{tr-tl}{2}\rceil ≤ 2^k ≤ tr-tl\]

number line case 1
complete BST case 2

Again the left child's subtree is clearly bigger, so \(2^k ≤ \lfloor\frac{tr-tl}{2}\rfloor\).

number line case 2

But how to know which case we're in? And how to know which power of 2? Well it turns out we can just take whichever case gives the smaller midpoint:

int split(int tl, int tr) {
	int pow_2 = 1 << __lg(tr-tl);
	return min(tl+pow_2, tr-pow_2/2);

Note it is no longer the middle of range (e.g. "mid" point), hence the name "split". For a full proof, see my codeforces blog.

We can code segment trees like:


int split(int tl, int tr) {
	int pow_2 = 1 << __lg(tr-tl);
	return min(tl+pow_2, tr-pow_2/2);

const int MAXN = 500'000;
int n;
long long t[2*MAXN-1];

void build(int a[], int tl=0, int tr=n, int v=0) {
	if (tr - tl == 1) {
		t[v] = a[tl];
	} else {
		int tm = split(tl, tr);
		build(a, tl, tm, 2*v+1);
		build(a, tm, tr, 2*v+2);
		t[v] = t[2*v+1] + t[2*v+2];

long long query(int l, int r, int tl=0, int tr=n, int v=0) {
	if (r <= tl || tr <= l) return 0LL;
	if (l <= tl && tr <= r) return t[v];
	int tm = split(tl, tr);
	return query(l, r, tl, tm, 2*v+1)
		 + query(l, r, tm, tr, 2*v+2);

void update(int pos, int val, int tl=0, int tr=n, int v=0) {
	if (tr - tl == 1) {
		t[v] += val;
	} else {
		int tm = split(tl, tr);
		if (pos < tm)
			update(pos, val, tl, tm, 2*v+1);
			update(pos, val, tm, tr, 2*v+2);
		t[v] = t[2*v+1] + t[2*v+2];

In Order

First, the source for the idea for this approach. An example of indexing the in-order of a full binary tree \(0,1,2,...\)

bst in order


Let's look at the same tree, with ranges and midpoints included. What can you observe about the midpoints?

bst midpoints


So we have to map the midpoints in \([1, n-1]\) to odd indexes in \([0,2 \cdot n-2]\) with the function \(f(midpoint) = 2 \cdot midpoint-1\) = in-order index

Leaves each have range \([tl, tl+1)\) which we can map to an even index \(2 \cdot tl\). So we can write a function like:

int in_order(int tl, int tr) {
	return tr-tl > 1 ? (tl+tr)/2*2-1 : 2*tl;

And we can code segment trees like:


int in_order(int tl, int tr) {
	return tr-tl > 1 ? (tl+tr)/2*2-1 : 2*tl;

const int MAXN = 500'000;
int n;
long long t[2*MAXN-1];

void build(int a[], int tl=0, int tr=n) {
	if (tr - tl == 1) {
		t[in_order(tl,tr)] = a[tl];
	} else {
		int tm = (tl+tr)/2;
		build(a, tl, tm);
		build(a, tm, tr);
		t[in_order(tl,tr)] = t[in_order(tl,tm)] + t[in_order(tm,tr)];

long long query(int l, int r, int tl=0, int tr=n) {
	if (r <= tl || tr <= l) return 0LL;
	if (l <= tl && tr <= r) return t[in_order(tl,tr)];
	int tm = (tl+tr)/2;
	return query(l, r, tl, tm)
		 + query(l, r, tm, tr);

void update(int pos, int val, int tl=0, int tr=n) {
	if (tr - tl == 1) {
		t[in_order(tl,tr)] += val;
	} else {
		int tm = (tl+tr)/2;
		if (pos < tm)
			update(pos, val, tl, tm);
			update(pos, val, tm, tr);
		t[in_order(tl,tr)] = t[in_order(tl,tm)] + t[in_order(tm,tr)];

How to further code golf this

If we switch to inclusive-inclusive ranges (so node \(v\) has range \([tl, tr]\), which splits into ranges \([tl, tm]\) and \([tm+1, tr]\)) then, midpoints are distinct and lie in \([0, n-2]\).

We still map the midpoints in \([0, n-2]\) to odd indexes in \([0,2 \cdot n-2]\) with the new function \(f(midpoint) = 2 \cdot midpoint+1\). And for leaves, we map range \([tl, tl]\) to \(2 \cdot tl\). Our new function is:

int in_order(int tl, int tr) {
	return tl != tr ? (tl+tr)/2*2+1 : 2*tl;
  • Observe \(\lfloor\frac{x}{2}\rfloor \cdot 2+1\) is like setting the least significant bit of \(x\) to 1, so we can replace it with \(x|1\)
  • For leaves, \(tl == tr\) so \(2 \cdot tl\) equals \(tl+tr\) which further equals \((tl+tr)|0\)

int in_order(int tl, int tr) {
	return tl != tr ? ((tl+tr)|1) : ((tl+tr)|0);

Finally, let's combine the cases:

int in_order(int tl, int tr) {
	return (tl+tr) | (tl!=tr);

This is a way to derive the comment.